Monday, February 28, 2011

Living within boundaries?

Over the last couple of weeks I have become curious about whether my family and I could live off of American made products only.  With globalization and the American hunger for cheap goods, much of what I and the rest of the U.S own isn’t made here.  This isn’t a patriotic driven interest, as I am not an American citizen.  It isn’t an anti-globalization cry either - arguably, Panama, my country of origin has been part of enabling the global transport of goods (thanks in no small part to the US) and has benefited greatly from it (maybe).         

This blog is really a learning experience and experiment.   There is a bit of a sustainability angle to it as well.  I live here; therefore it seems reasonable to support the local economy and goods produced here.  If the US were not such a large country there could probably be additional reduction of environmental impacts to be gained, such as reduction in transportation impacts.  However, I live in Miami, so perhaps the transportation impact from grapes from Chile vs. California is mute (I will have to explore that further).  From a sustainability angle it would probably make more sense to draw a 100 mile radius around me.  Plenty of people are trying to do just that but mainly focused on food, which is impressive and commendable.  However, I would like to look beyond food and frankly not a whole lot is made in Florida that is not entertainment related.  So the learning adventure begins – What is made in US?   

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